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4 Year Office Equipment Protection Plan
There is a new cgminer 4. This version brings cgminer more up to date in terms of whxt features for the users of ZeusMiner-based ASICs as well as for Gridseed users. We have compiled a windows binary of this new cgminer odbs that you can download and try from the link. We have successfully managed to run the miner but do note that it crashes sometimes, so it might not be working perfectly yet and it may also needs a bit more work on support. Chairface, it should be able to run them together, but you need to set the right parameters for all the different devices.
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Cookey May 4, Videos 3 Comments 78 Views. A comparatively quiet and low-cost ASIC miner which you could run within the background to gather small quantities of Alt cash. Watch as I present you tips on how to set it up, obtain the instruments and configure a pool. BFGMiner V. Tags bitcoin mining bitcointalk blockchain blockchain companies blockchain technology crypto news sites cryptocurrency cryptocurrency mining mining pool.
4 Year Office Equipment Protection Plan
There is a new cgminer 4. This version brings cgminer more up to date in terms of supported features for the users of ZeusMiner-based ASICs as well as for Gridseed users. We have compiled a windows binary of this new cgminer fork that you can atcoins and try from the link. We have successfully managed to run the miner mlne do note that it crashes sometimes, so it might not be working perfectly yet and it may also needs a bit more work on support.
Chairface, it should be able to run them together, but you need to set the right parameters for all the different devices. Riley S, the compiled windows binary has been updated from the latest source, so you can try again, now it should be more stable. Thanks admin. Have previous forks included that? Using CGMiner 3. Here is a screenshot of what happens with 4. MIKE, what is the command line you are running the cgminer with?
It seems that minee some of the newer Zeus miners use different USB-COM chip, there is an update that should resolve issues with these, we have compiled and updated the windows binary, so you can download the new one and try. The newly compiled version still seems to hang on me for some reason. This was the. So CGMiner4. MIKE, you were apparently trying to run the new miner the same way you did with the old 3.
Has anyone confirmed that this will run both Zeusminers and Gridseeds in the same instance? Have they fixed the issue of the program crashing sometimes as indicated in the article??? Is there an updated fix? I use this cgminer. I used Zadig drivers and drivers, recommended by Zeus. I restarted the PC, rebooted it, tried dozens of different syntax in command lines. I tried changing the COM port manually. I installed and reinstalled drivers. Welcome, BFGMiner! I have two rigs, one for GPUs and one for my gridseeds.
Now, I want to add my Zeus miners to it. Not so simple. First, my existing cgminer which I had to hack myself to suppoer both G-blades and 5-chip GSD devices does not support zeus miners.
So, I grabbed one that did, the one. I cannot run both one the same system due to some limitation with USB. They seem to cancel each other. The one above does not properly support both G-blades and 5-chips. I want to do neither :P. Jason — Try running linux? Both working fine together on a raspberry pi or pogoplug debian install. Compiled from the source linked above. Sounds like no one got this to work with windows? I gidseed usually figure out anything these guys throw at us, but this cgminer is crap.
It clearly says install winusb, and the command line is: cgminer. Am I right here? I tried it every way possible, upsidedown, underwater, this way, that way, restarting, rebooting, unplug, replug, …etc… it does not work. I am trying the simplest config, one little fury to a dedicated PC running win 8. Of course I also tried using the cp drivers and naming the com port. CGminer 3. I cant read that useless output. I get no feeling for what the miner is doing. I want to see my Zeusminer with the familiar output of cgminer where I instantly know everything about it, like we have for the gridseeds.
BFGMiner 4. On coin-changing profit pools it starts czn lose hashrate dramatically. I am not that good at C to tweak the source code. So, all I have left is waiting until someone figures it. Pool confirms big loss of hash. I just got the Hurricane X3 today so I may have messed something up.
First Zeusminer. Both miners built from source code. Despite the name, gridseed. While it is possible to get both zeus and gridseed in the same miner at least on a pi running raspian. Actually running at speeds and but I like to use factor recommended speeds in postings that may get cut and pasted.
The ideal minne settings are very different, vsare there other mismatches? Running two separate instances of cgminer seems safer. Both in a single instance and separate instances.
About the HW errors, we have observer weird behavior with the Zeus miners suddenly starting to give a lot of HW errors when witu a vardiff pools and the difficulty changes. How to re install gridseed blade PC machine sctypt ?
I tried install old ubuntu I what can i mine with gridseed orbs altcoins scrypt foolish to let ubuntu I can go win 7 but it is nightmare randomly not dettecting blades havent had this problen under ubuntu Your email address will not be published. Leave this field. Saturday December 28, Home Contact us. Search for:. CGMiner 4.
In: Mining Software Tags: cgminer 4. JS June 27th, at can you gridseex g-blade and 5-chip gridseeds in the same instance and get correct hashrates? JS June 27th, at Thanks admin. Riley S June 28th, at The newly compiled version still seems to hang on me for some reason.
Riley S July 1st, at Has anyone confirmed that this will run both Zeusminers and Gridseeds in the same instance? Johnny July 6th, at Have they fixed the issue of the program crashing sometimes as indicated in the article???
Any Suggestion? THank you. Ber July 14th, at I used Zadig drivers and drivers, recommended by Zeus. BeerPimp July 14th, at Anyone get this working on Gridseed blades? It just gives a usb error then stops working. CarlosDags July 16th, at Jason — Try running linux? Mark T July 16th, at Sounds like no one got this to work what can i mine with gridseed orbs altcoins scrypt windows? Upside down, underwater. Sounds like my case : BFGMiner 4. William Tomlinson July 18th, czn this one works great!
Windows build of cgminer 4. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
30 Responses to CGMiner 4.3.5 with GridSeed and Zeus Scrypt ASIC Support
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