Subscribe now. Now is the time to start paying close attention. Be careful those groups often use little pseudo-news to make you think it is legit. We review the results of every signal the premium provider published over the reporting period and draft stats for their results.
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ROUND 2! BlockchainWhispers does even more! You paid altcoin signals me by. You know I am with my whole heart in. Balls deep so you understand perfectly. The entire income of Blockchain Whispers is still being reinvested in development of your favorite crypto community, plus our passion and you know me working like a beast with focus, wltcoin I am proud to say my teammates do pald well, fully focused, living and breathing Blockchain Whispers.
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Why Altcoin?
ROUND 2! BlockchainWhispers does even more! You know me by. You know I am with my whole heart in. Balls deep so you understand perfectly.
The entire income of Blockchain Whispers is still being reinvested in development of your favorite crypto community, plus our passion and you know me working like a beast with focus, now I am proud to say my teammates do as well, fully focused, living and breathing Blockchain Whispers.
I know exactly what you wanted, and daddy will give you right. Before I do, just a quick recap for those living under the rock:. Crypto Signals Championship round 1 challenged the gurus, public, other channel owners, crypto trading rockstars to come and show what is the walk and what is just the talk.
I made the rules so precise based on my experience with giving the most accurate cryptos signals on the planet that I knew what is needed for a signal to be actually useful for you:. We had to build an exchange-level system to accomodate it on a shitty, manipulative BitMEX that even doesn’t want to show the price sometimes via api like perfectly designed to get many users rekt These are the results of round It’s impressive isn’t it?
However, if you’re like many of Blockchain Whispers followers, BitMEX especially at this stage of manipulation is not really your style.
So daddy now added Upgrade 1 — Altcoin Signals on Binance We will use Binance exchange as currently it’s the most liquid altcoins exchange and we will trade in the new round both Bitmex leverage and the Binance altcoins finding out who the best trader is and prepping him for fame.
Upgrade 2 — Auto-Trading Who has time to stick to the screen all day, right? This feature I didn’t want to provide you on the first run as I wanted to make sure you understand what it takes and how it’s. Now I. Since it is a beta thingy, last thing I want to do is to be responsible for your funds. You’ll get to select: who to follow, with how big portfolio and you’ll have to agree that you expect absolutely nothing in return.
You know my reputation and you know my intentions, and that will be enough for those of you that are important to me anyway to provide this great service. In event of some technical fuckup, exchange hack, whatever I don’t want you to ask me for funds as I provided this feature to make your life easier.
You are free not to use it and still follow the signals like a king. By the best traders that are not afraid to get in the ring and show publicly how they stand. Rules change I liked the most part about the first round of DART so most will remain the same, especially the qualification requirement. What we changed here on the go, we will adapt in round two of DART and it is time limit instead of trade limit as I saw a big big difference between various trading styles, one trader got over trades while another equally good got It is ten times more trades.
I can’t limit either of them by trade number, so we will do it on time basis, to be determined. What I care the most paid altcoin signals that the winner is determined once the statistical significance is reached means his edge is not a coincidence.
Other rule is I will not be financing it myself anymore. I did it. You loved it. Now you need to chip in. This I want to keep as low as possible. You will have to pay a small fee to unlock ALL trades. Again, this fee will be low enough so you can comfortably afford it. Yup, my only desire is to get you the most accurate traders on the planet to be super motivated to come, and for everyone else Once we near the statistical significance, some trades even if you paid a small feewill be premium-only.
Those will be the signals with highest confidence of accuracy and what actually finances this development and making this all happen, plus rewards the loyalty and trust of my Premium members. To you who follow me for a while I don’t have to even tell it — my goal is that whenever you invest in Blockchain Whispers that it pays off for you big time. I hope you like these new additions of Altcoin signals and things that await for you in your Blockchain Whispers. What do you think?
How enthusiastic you are about the start of a new round? What do you suggest the price points to be? Are we missing anything? It’s yours too, let’s make it awesome! Expected Launch of qualifications around: 1st Jun.
Already have Blockchain Whispers account? Login Here. If you don’t have a Blockchain Whispers account click. If you forget your password reset it from.
I don’t spam. I often forget to even write. But when I do Thank you for your trust. Announcing: Altcoin Crypto Signals Championship! Before I do, just a quick recap for those living under the rock: D.
I made the rules so precise based on my experience with giving the most accurate cryptos signals on the planet that I knew what is needed for a signal to be actually useful for you: Enough time for you to enter the signal Real-time notification and Clear instructions with proper results tracking We had to build an exchange-level system to accomodate it on a shitty, manipulative BitMEX that even doesn’t want to show the price sometimes via api like perfectly designed to get many users rekt These are the results of round 1: It’s impressive isn’t it?
It takes less than 40 seconds to get your Blockchain Whispers badge! If you don’t have a Blockchain Whispers account click here If you forget your password reset it from. Click to tweet. D Man 2 Reply. D Man 1 Reply. Kren 2 Reply. Wolf 2 Reply. Sports 2 Reply. I don’t like it, I love it. Getting pumped for this shit! D Man 3 Reply. Me too, excited and good thing is we start with the best traders from the previous round and bring in more guys that were late last time etc.
Sports 3 Reply. Also curious to see how these leverage traders do on alts. Good stuff! Piggy 3 Reply. This is huge. Altcoin trading is not easy, especially with BTC’s moves.
It should be interesting to see who comes out on top! Fools Gold 2 Reply. Woo hoo BCW ahead of the rest as usual! Loving the developments. Go dman and the BCW crew. Blockchain Whispers and then long no one and then the rest. Thank you brother! The top trader will! And in the process Marcos 2 Reply. Oh yeah! Can’t wait to see it starting!
Congrats D Man! Aznfyre 4 Reply. Oh yeah this big news especially for us that cant trade on Bitmex due to residing in the US. Exactly what a beginner or pro needs that is no where. Broke paid altcoin signals rich everyone get the same start line. D Man 5 Reply. Firebeard Jeff 3 Reply. Yes, imagine what I’d do if I had more good coders : Or if I could duplicate myself haha! But together, these comments, this feedback drives me — see this wonderful community, family-like together!
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