Bitcoin altcoin dominance chart

bitcoin altcoin dominance chart

At its absolute highest, the bitcoin exchange rate was explained by a simple supply and demand problem. Email ben benjamin-brown. You can also edit coinsForDominance and datesForDominance variables to get the data that you need. Related Posts.

Price Analysis

Bitcoin altcoin dominance chart Here or Hide Ads. Disclaimer: This article contains technical analysis, which is a methodology for forecasting the direction of prices through the study of past market data, primarily price and volume. The content presented in this article is the opinion of the author. None of the information you read on CryptoSlate should be taken as investment advice. Buying do,inance trading cryptocurrencies should altcoih considered a high-risk activity. Please do your own diligence and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Bitcoin dominance destroys most altcoins

bitcoin altcoin dominance chart
CoinMarketCap CoinMarketCap has some global charts which help you get insights into the overall cryptocurrency markets. I was particularly interested in the dominance chart as I was trying to analyse how Bitcoin and Altcoin dominance affects markets and what role it played in important dates in the last one year. I had to mouseover on the graph, copy the data manually into the Medium article I was writing. I was using MAC split screen for the same and it was not easy to switch the focus between the split screens. It only added to the frustration. Comment if you know how to do it. So I set out to write a small script to fetch the data.

“Sh*t runs downhill”

CoinMarketCap CoinMarketCap has some global charts which help you get insights into the overall cryptocurrency markets. I was particularly interested in the dominance chart as I was trying to analyse how Bitcoin and Altcoin dominance affects markets and what role it played in important dates in the last one year.

I had to mouseover on the graph, copy the data manually into the Medium article I was writing. I was using MAC split screen for the same and it was not easy to switch the focus between the split screens.

It only added to the frustration. Comment if you know how to do it. So I set out to write a small script to fetch the data. Though the script took a little longer than I expected, I think I will save a lot of time going forward whenever I want to do sampling. I am putting out the bitcoin altcoin dominance chart so that others also can use it. You can also edit coinsForDominance and datesForDominance variables to get the data that you need.

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Market dominance

The best thing about Bitcoin is that it is fully open to. Reach him at benjamin-brown. Alts go down further 3. As trader Cantering Clark put it :. They are scared of the market risk and switch from tokens with less capital to a safer asset. He accurately…. You can checkout the gist on. Since its release on January 9,Bitcoin has always dominated the cryptocurrency market. This is called the law of the functioning of cryptocurrencies.
