Asic resistant altcoins reddit

asic resistant altcoins reddit

Read more. Join thousands of subscribers worldwide. Tweet This. I firmly consider this to be an extremely reasonable hard-fork as far as hard-forks go but I would never support it with results like these. MintMe Coin team thinks that bitcoin’s pseudo-anonymity was the solution from the beginning.

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This subreddit is intended for open discussions on all subjects related to emerging crypto-currencies or crypto-assets. Please make quality contributions and follow the rules for posting. If you meet our requirements and want custom flair, click. Khan Academy on Bitcoin Free Course. VTC’s algorithm was the only one designed with it in mind:.

And Changing Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work is a Futile Endeavor

asic resistant altcoins reddit
Vertcoin is an open and decentralized blockchain based currency focused on ensuring long term distribution of mining consensus. Launched in January , Vertcoin runs as close to possible to cryptocurrency fundamentals, no ICO, no premine, no airdrops, no masternodes. Vertcoin also has a very strong layer two connection, currently developing, not just implementing next layer crypto solutions. Bitinfocharts , Block Explorer. Asic Resistant?

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This approach is limitative both on the usual economic assets of users and the flexibility of connections they have access to. Litecoin tried this, and now they have specialized mining hardware. Anthony Xie. Ultimately, I hope it will help you to decide the best coin to. CryptoNote Technology. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. One of the things that makes asic resistant altcoins reddit a popular choice amongst cryptocurrency miners is that it ASIC resistant. Even when crypto anarchists believe blockchain networks to be the antithesis of governments, choosing blockchains over regular institutionalized economies is neither a denial to nation-states legitimacy nor to the civilian duties of their inhabitants. Setting the context Summarizing the above mentioned aspects, the current scenario of cryptocurrencies introduces at least one decision that protocol creators need to make: either ban or allow ASICs as part of their design.
